If there is anything “signature” about our work, it’s our process.
This involves listening carefully, then crafting a project specifically tailored to what we’ve heard. While creating a building from the ground up is always an exhilarating process, it’s rarely a simple one. At Dietz & Company Architects, we fully appreciate the beauty and complexity each project holds, and we bring a refreshing enthusiasm to the process. Serving as supportive guides, we never lose sight of our ultimate goal: to interpret our client’s vision and create real-life spaces that fully serve their users.
To this end, our approach is collaborative and dynamic. As we take projects from concept to reality, we remain sensitive to our clients’ aspirations, budgets and schedules, while carefully coordinating the work of consultants to help keep things on track. The result? Designs that are meticulously created and executed, reflecting both our clients’ ideas and our staff’s extensive range of expertise.

Reducing a building’s impact on the natural environment is no longer viewed as an “extra.” Our integrated design approach seamlessly weaves sustainability into a structure’s overall plans without sacrificing beauty or character.
When it comes to green, we’ve been ahead of the curve and incorporating sustainability into our projects long before it was an automatic item on the checklist. Several staff members are certified in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), a rating system that upholds national standards for developing high-performance, sustainable buildings. We have a number of projects that have been LEED certified and others that have been designed to be zero net energy capable. We have also completed projects that meet the standards for Enterprise Green Communities certification.